Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Raw Preview

Being that today is Memorial Day (a special thanks to the troops, by the way) I did not suspect that tonight's Raw would do much to advance storylines because of a predicted low view turnout. I was wrong....tonight on Raw...Mr. McMahon will announce the new Raw general manager. In addition, HHH will face Kenny of the Spirit Squad. Also, Mick Foley will have a face to face confrontation with Paul Heyman. Any guesses as to the new pick..DUSTY RHODES....he has been seen at Raw for the past while. Other predictions have included Shane "the Demon Semen" McMahon, JBL, and the Coach.


Blogger Will Sones said...

Come on Tuppy Slutskins update your freaking Blog.

4:36 PM

Blogger Will Sones said...

Tu, I wish you were a woman. Then you would have ovaries. Then I could punch you in them. Update your blog.

7:10 AM

Blogger Will Sones said...

I hate you very much Tu. Haters.

6:43 AM


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