Sunday, May 14, 2006

Top five wrestlers to NEVER become world champion

I already know that people will have different opinions about this post. Let me go ahead and say...if it happened a long time ago(before the 1980's) I will very rarely mention it.... I was not alive then, so it is like it never happened. Feel free to disagree and let me know what you think.

5. Scott Hall....Yeah, I know the "bad guy" had problems with showing up drunk at work, showing up high at work, not following orders, but he was a great worker and always entertaining. He and Kevin Nash had a great run in the NWO, but I always felt that he deserved to sit atop of the wrestling it looks like that will never happen.

4. Curt Henning..aka Mr. Perfect, Curt Hennig...let me get the other thing out of the way...I don't really count the AWA either, so don't tell me that he was their world champion (I don't know if he was anyway..I didn't watch it, so it didn't happen, right?) This guy deserved to be the champ...if David Arquette could win the title, Mr. Perfect should have had a perfect plex to become the champ.

3. Mr. Wonderful Paul one time he as just as big as Hulk Hogan, but in Mr. McMahon's world he never got a chance. He should have been the champ at least once.

2. Ravishing Rick Rude...can you think of too many other people to defeat Sting, the Ultimate Warrior, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes and many other superstars and never win the title? WCW did declare him the "International champion" at one point, but that doesn't count as being the champ...

1. Rowdy Roddy Piper...The Hot Scot makes a great movie about special sunglasses that lets him find hidden alien messages in newspapers, but he never wins the world title. He hardly ever held a title period..that is hard to believe.

So who shouldn't be on the list....Who should, let me know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I could have sworn that Rick Rude was WCW champion for a while. PM News even threatened to take his title away.

I would flip flop Mr Perfect and Roddy Piper. Otherwise I agree

6:10 AM

Blogger Will Sones said...

I always liked Tug Boat and Typhoon. Did either one of them ever win it all?

9:39 AM

Blogger @justinrsutton said...

I think rick rude was the United States champion

5:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tatonka and the Patriot. Nuff Said.

9:43 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.

4:51 PM

Blogger @justinrsutton said...

Tatanka rocks...I wish he would have won the battle royal to get in the money in the bank match at Wrestlemania

8:09 PM


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